Gentlemen`s agreements between industry and the U.S. government were common in the 1800s and early 1900s. The Bureau of Corporations, a predecessor of the Federal Trade Commission, was established in 1903 to investigate monopolistic practices. Kappa is an index that takes into account the agreement observed with regard to a basic agreement. However, investigators must carefully consider whether Kappa`s core agreement is relevant to the research issue. Kappa`s baseline is often called random tuning, which is only partially correct. The basic agreement of Kappa is the agreement that could be expected because of the accidental allocation, given the quantities declared in quantity in the limit amounts of the square emergency table. Kappa - 0 if the observed attribution appears to be random, regardless of the quantitative opinion limited by the limit amounts. However, for many applications, investigators should be more interested in quantitative opinion in marginal amounts than in attribution opinion, as described in the supplementary information on the diagonal of the square emergency table. Kappa`s base is therefore more entertaining than illuminating for many applications. Let us take the following example: To calculate pe (the probability of a fortuitous agreement), we find that: a gentleman`s agreement, which is rather a point of honor and etiquette, depends on the indulgence of two or more parties for the performance of spoken or unspoken obligations. Unlike a binding contract or a legal agreement, there is no legal remedy for violation of a gentlemen`s agreement. The probability of a fortuitous global agreement is the probability that they have agreed on a yes or no, that is: Nglish: translation of the agreement for Spanish spokesmen The components of the common law of bad faith vary from state to state.

Several states define comirability as behaviour that has been "unreasonable or unfaring." Some states have a more limited view of the definition of bubblyness. Nevertheless, important guidelines have appeared in the literature. Perhaps the first Landis and Koch[13] stated that the values < 0 were unseable and 0-0.20 as light, 0.21-0.40 as just, 0.41-0.60 as moderate, 0.61-0.80 as a substantial agreement and 0.81-1 almost perfect. However, these guidelines are not universally accepted; Landis and Koch did not provide evidence, but relied on personal opinion. It was found that these guidelines could be more harmful than useful. [14] Fleiss`[15]:218 Equally arbitrary guidelines characterize Kappas beyond 0.75 as excellent, 0.40 to 0.75 as just to good and less than 0.40 bad. The weighted Kappa allows differences of opinion to be weighted differently[21] and is particularly useful when codes are ordered. [8]:66 Three matrixes are involved, the matrix of observed scores, the matrix of expected values based on random tuning and the weight matrix. The weight dies located on the diagonal (top left to bottom-to-right) are consistent and therefore contain zeroes.

Off-diagonal cells contain weights that indicate the severity of this disagreement. Often the cells are weighted outside diagonal 1, these two out of 2, etc.