With the ratification of the 2019 Medical-Master Agreement (PMA), staff worked to put the work in place so that implementation could begin. We are now in a position to provide an update with expected payment deadlines and allocation decisions. You will find this information in our ... The current agreement was ratified by members in the spring of 2019. The three-year contract (April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022) includes new credits for priority areas identified by extensive consultations. New means will be: - a multilateral relationship based on transparency, cooperation and mutual respect. Quality, evidence-based care is delivered through an integrated, sustainable, accountable, effective and effective health care system. Patients are ordained and supported by a physician and are accountable to all parties. Defines the obligation for the government to improve and preserve the health of the population, create health laws and provide financial resources.

Recognises that health authorities are responsible for land use planning, exploitation and the allocation of service resources to their residents. Recognizes BCMA`s goals of maximizing physician job satisfaction and achieving the right economic balance. Contains a new conflict resolution framework. Recognises measures that support compliance with the provisions of the agreement by all parties and is effective. Taking these principles into account, the medical-master contract provides for: - compensation issues - including general increases, re-opening parameters for remuneration, financing of new fees and the amount available, among others. Disputes - describes local and provincial disputes, dispute resolution teams, and defines general principles of dispute resolution. Information Technology - E-Health and Doctor Information Technology Office. Joint Committees - Medical Preparedness Program - Payment for coverage, levels, regional distribution and the challenges of this allocation. The renegotiation of the agreements.

Revocation of services. The new agreement respects the government`s negotiating mandate and works at the same time to improve the health care of Colombians. The initial master agreement was a complex document between BCMA and the provincial government, which was first concluded in 1993 and provided the parameters of the working relationship between physicians and the government. It has brought together essential elements to ensure a balance between the needs of physicians who supply the people of British Columbia and the government, who are responsible for managing the conditions under which they acquire these services. The ink is barely dry on the new medical-master agreement, which contains five ancillary contracts: VANCOUVER - B.C. doctors have voted to adopt a new five-year contract with the provincial government.