Unlike EDI treatment, there are no fallback-AS2 properties that BizTalk Server can use if the agreement cannot be determined. However, there is a standard agreement that is used to send a DND. In addition, neither the emission port nor the context property Http.UserHttpHeaders are used to dissolve the agreement for a DND. For more information, see the "Resolution of Agree for A DND" section in sending an outgoing DND. [! NOTE [! INCLUDEbtsBizTalkServerNoVersion] requires the qualification and identifier fields for the sender and recipient to complete the termination of the contract. It will match the values of ISA5, ISA6, ISA7 and ISA8 in exchange points with those in the properties of an agreement. [! INCLUDEbtsBizTalkServerNoVersion] also terminates the agreement by matching the sender`s qualifier with the identifier (excluding the receivers and identifiers). If so! INCLUDEbtsBizTalkServerNoVersion] cannot terminate the agreement, it uses the properties of the case agreement. A message in the EDI pipeline moves to the next step in resolving the agreement until the message is resolved with the step with the agreement in the activation state. If the z.B. message is terminated in the first stage of the implementation of the agreement, but the agreement is in a deactivated state, the message will move to the next step toward the solution. The EDI emission pipeline conducts the search for an agreement by conducting a series of steps to determine if there is a match between the outgoing exchange and the characteristics of an agreement.
Once the agreement has been established by BizTalk Server, it determines the document scheme applicable to the exchange (see below). It uses the properties associated with the comparison agreement and the appropriate scheme to generate and verify the outgoing message. Create an agreement between the two profiles by setting up EDI properties for the message you receive and confirmation to send. If Stage 4 is not successful or none of the context features mentioned above are noted, the EDI message is terminated in an agreement by matching the emission port that subscribed to the message to the broadcast port associated with a contract. Conceptually, confirmation features are selected for each one-sided agreement registration card, which has the same sender and recipient qualifiers as those defined in the confirmation`s contextual characteristics. However, for practical application reasons, you would generally define this on the tabs of other unilateral agreement registration cards in the agreement that you have established and that the exchange would have resolved. If the user intentionally writes a set of contextual properties for the resolution of the agreement and the solver does not identify the onewayagrement, the message is stopped. If the resolution of an agreement cannot be corrected on the basis of a set of context properties, an appropriate alert message is triggered in EventLog. Finally, after transmitting the message to the broadcast port, the agreement is dissolved by the edi. The next step will be the ration of the EDIFACT message. Another important point is that the broadcast port assigns the AS2 agreement by binding to the broadcast port configured for that agreement.
It is important to remember that although many EDI agreements use the same broadcast port, we only use an As2 agreement. If the four contextual properties have been set for a message and no match is found between these context properties and the properties, the message is stopped. The agreement will only be terminated using the broadcast port associated with an agreement if the four context characteristics have not been defined.