U.S. Legal Forms, Inc. provides Maine Real Estate forms and contracts for all your individual or commercial real estate needs, including purchase and sale agreements, sales contracts, property vouchers, rental forms and others. Many free forms are not valid. We provide you with the correct valid form. Free previews end available. All Maine Real Estate forms are available in Word format. Learn more about real estate with our purchase or sale of real estate, land or real estate sale (No. 173) - All sellers who participate in a residential real estate transaction must complete a disclosure form for the following parts of the property: Maine`s sale agreement records the details of a specific land sale to residential real estate. This form is usually used to present the seller with the initial offer. The buyer will contain their offer, the amount of the serious money deposit and the desired contingencies. The seller will then check the proposal and determine whether or not to accept the terms and conditions available. If they do not accept, they can cope with the adjustments they feel justified.
As soon as one party accepts the terms of the other`s offer, it can sign the document to obtain a binding contract. Maine`s purchase and sale contracts are contracts that facilitate the sale of property from a seller to a buyer. The written agreement provides for the different conditions that both parties must meet in order for the sale to take place. Both the buyer and the seller must sign the contract to be considered valid. National law requires the seller to provide the buyer with a disclosure statement listing all defects and hazards (unless excluded under item 172). This statement must be made to the buyer before or at the time of the offer to purchase at the latest. (This form detects all known hardware errors, it does not replace a correct review.) Lead-Based Paint Disclosure (42 U.S. Code ` 4852d) - Necessary in the United States, this federal disclosure is requested for all homes built before 1978. Seller`s Information Statement (P.
173) - State law requires the seller to provide the buyer with full disclosure of the water supply, insulation, heating, waste and defect treatment, as well as all hazardous substances used in or around the site. Lead Coloring - If the property was built before 1978 and the lead paint was used on the site, the buyer must be informed.