"The Four Accords" has left a permanent mark on my life, and I`m sure this "easy-to-read" book will do the same to you. I simply suggest that they consider reading the four chords if you want to have a clearer picture of Miguel Ruiz`s perspective. Judging what Ruiz says about incomprehability on the basis of his reference to John 1 (or what we commentators say about it) might be a bit hasty. I think my vision of the Bible would be quite attenuated if I read only some of the laws in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, or if I only read Thomas Jefferson`s opinion of the Bible. Of course, you could feel in your heart that Ruiz is not blameless with his word when he writes about John 1. We all have our own views on these issues. One of the most important teachings of wisdom in the Toltec tradition is that we all dream -- to dream of a unique vision and experience of the universe. It`s at the beginning of "The Four Accords," and my experience is that a lot of people slip into that part and go to the chords. Don Miguel Ruiz`s four chords; Animated book summary I also found it strange to judge a book on the behavior of a person who claims to have read it and elderly people who are ancestors of the book author. That is why I did not respond to Cccc`s comment. If the commentator explains why he/she thought the four chords meant that people were behaving ruthlessly and selfishly, I might have received an answer.

As it is, I support the idea that , Toltec or not, these principles are a healthy way of living and taking into account with good practices supported by modern psychology: yet the nature of truth and reconciliation of truth and self-esteem are not simple questions. As artists, we use our knowledge to build stories about ourselves that are not literally true. But if the story is beautiful, it doesn`t hurt anyone or it`s not anyone. And there are many ways to tell the truth, some hurtful and some not. I think it is better to always tell the truth in a way that does not go against oneself or against others. Do the teachings really indicate that there is no right or wrong, we do everything that makes us happy? If it were not clear before, I will make it clear that I am not interested in being an apologist for Don Miguel Ruiz or having debates about his intentions. My question of whether feelings guide judgments was rhetorical, and I do not expect an answer, because psychological research has already answered this question for me. Emotions may not be an important part of simple perception judgments, such as. B if the word "was" has been replaced by "east." (Although in fact, sometimes emotions also influence simple perceptions.) But emotions are always involved in judgments of meaning, meaning, meaning and intent. My feeling is that Ruiz was not ashamed of it by replacing "what" with "is." I could be wrong. But I also think it`s not important enough to continue to discuss other things that I have on the agenda. I think I`ll have it now.

Miguel writes about right and wrong, truth and lies - but it is only his opinions - that should not be taken literally because my feelings tell me otherwise. This book, first published in 1997, has been sold more than 8.2 million times in the United States [1] and has been translated into 46 languages worldwide. [2] The book gained popularity after being supported by Oprah Winfrey in 2001 on the Oprah Winfrey Show and in 2013 in the television series Super Soul Sunday. [3] This book has also been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than a decade. [1] Not taking things personally does not mean isolation and lack of love.