When you buy from a broker, the sales contract is usually standardized. But that doesn`t mean you shouldn`t pass carefully and make sure that items such as tanks and engine hours are filled accurately. The broker`s information is just as good as what the seller offers. BoatUS Magazine, an award-winning company, is the official publication of the United States Boat Owners Association. The magazine offers startup capabilities, DIY maintenance, security, news and more by leading experts. Sales contracts or contracts should contain the following minimum information: the HIN should be permanently marked by the boat route to the port. If the boat is powered by an outboard motor, it must be indicated separately with its serial number. It is not necessary to let a lawyer write the contract, even if this should be considered, especially if you are buying a high-ticket boat or if you have built one tailored for you. Most merchants use printed contracts with their name and address, but "Fill-in-the-blanks" contract forms found in stationery stores or online is sufficient for private sale. (Or click here to download the BoatUS sales contract.) A chord in hand also serves the purpose. Whatever the form, both parties must sign the contract. If the sales contract requires the signature of the seller and the dealer`s employee, make sure both rooms are signed. A boat sales invoice (also known as a boat purchase contract) is a document used to describe the terms of a transaction between a private seller and the buyer.

This is a specific contract for the sale of a boat, and can be used for a motorized or non-motorized vessel, unless it is a documented vessel by the U.S. Coast Guard, registered by the U.S. government instead of being titled and numbered by a state (there are separate forms for the sale of a documented vessel). The manufacturer`s original declaration (MSO) or certificate of origin (MCO) delivered to each new vessel contains the fuselage identification number (HIN) and the boat`s serial numbers. The MSO or MCO indicates when the boat was built and handed over to the retailer for resale. You need the MSO if you register or document a new boat. If the boat is financed by a loan, the MSO is transferred to the lender; Otherwise, it will be included in the boat`s papers that will be given to you at the time of purchase. You or the loan company must receive the MSO if you accept the delivery.