Here we find many options for the use of quotas. We have to choose based on our business process. They can define the quota regime for clean production and for external purchases. Sources of supply can be: But by the quota agreement, we can indicate the quantity and percentage for a lender, so if we have many creditors in the source list, the system will accept the right creditor with the comparison of the amount of the supporting part and the quota order. Allocation quota agreement: each lot is allocated to a source of supply, which means that the system wants to offer me that its previous credit be KKNN002. Now we will check the quota uses e.A. in the order requirement. Depending on the need, a certain material can be purchased by different suppliers. In this way, the total needs of a material are distributed to different creditors, i.e. the quota is allocated to each source of supply. This is called the quota system. The main points regarding the quota regime are: Suppose we have 3 suppliers KKNN001, KKNN002, KKNN003, they provide the equipment.

And we need to use the quota system as a quantity base for these lenders. They define the order of sources of supply, quotas by source of supply and many other parameters in the quota file. But the supplier has already delivered the material with quantity 5. In this case, you must have entered the amount of 5 in Quota Base Qty, so in calculating odds, then the credit pointer will only be available for quantity 2. You managed the quota file for the hardware. They maintained the use of the quota order for the corresponding material in the material strain (MRP view 2). We now have to assign the uses of the quota to the allocation quota strain. In the Minimal qty Split option, Its for the splitting quota (for more help, you can press F1 on this option). You can choose based on your business process... The existence of a quota system does not imply the distribution (between different sources) of an individual material need (i.e. the quantity determined in an individual application). The total amount requested in an application is allocated to a source under the quota agreement.

When a document is accompanied by a quota agreement, it is taken into account when searching for sources. For each purchase proposal with a quota regime, the system updates the quota file, so that the quota system is always based on the current situation. Now we can see the system will offer all suppliers that can be used as a source of delivery, not just the quota configuration. Because we know the list of sources and the list of sources, we can use the quota system. You can see that the starting screen for setting quota agreements is displayed. We only need to remove the quota from the lender KKNN002 so that it is not displayed on the source of supply. Here you see my maximum amount is 50 for Kreditor KKNN001 and 500 for Kreditor KKNN002. Both borrowers have the same quota. The quota system determines whether equipment is included in a quota agreement and what operations result in a quota regime. You can, for example.

B decide that only orders are included in quota agreements or that purchase proposals developed by the system as part of planning are also included. During planning, the system determines sources of supply based on the quota file and assigns procurement proposals to sources of supply. A contingent regime is established for a specified period of time.