You also need to understand the legal requirements of this type of contract. For a transaction agreement to be valid, it must be written and contain the following: first, present the draft transaction contract to the other party. He can choose to accept the treaty in its entirety and execute the contract. If the offer is declined, you must try to deal with or resolve the matter in court. If the other party decides to negotiate, they will put forward other terms until you agree. Prepare for each transfer of ownership in advance. When litigation involves real estate claims such as a home, a commercial entity or negotiable instruments, preparation often involves obtaining an assessment to determine the value of the property. Documents supporting title, property or lease may also be required to draft an agreement that properly deals with the property to be transferred. Some real estate transfers, for example. B non-government real estate may require a thorough investigation to determine the status, valuation and transfer requirements.

Preparation is extremely important for the development of an effective conciliation agreement. Effective transaction agreements help the parties move beyond the injustice of the past to a future where their expectations and commitments are known and in which the parties are acquitted of the disputes settled in the agreement. Effective transaction agreements turn the risks, delays and costs of actions into solutions that the parties themselves choose. Many transaction agreements are obtained as a product of mediation, a process that helps parties transform misunderstandings into understanding, conflicts into solutions, and the stress of litigation into freedom of concern. However, transaction agreements are not immediately complete and ready to be implemented. In addition, many issues can only be addressed in an effective conciliation agreement with prior preparation. Unfortunately, many lawyers who would not dream of getting up un preparation for trial will come to mediation without having done their homework. Betsy A. Miller and David G. Seibel report in "Untapped Potential: Creating a Systemic Model for Mediation Preparation" in Resolution Journal Volume 64 (2009) that a survey of experienced parties revealed that "[a]n.a. said they spent more than one or two hours specifically preparing for the mediation process." However, the lack of preparation for the draft agreement may derail the agreement due to a lack of such necessary information.

B as the person who must sign the agreement, what the court requires for a valid agreement and illegal or unavailable terms.