If you or your company meet the above residency requirement, you can use the provisions of a Singapore DBA with Singapore as your country of residence. Note that even if there is no DBA between Singapore and another country you are dealing with, you can avoid double taxation by using Singapore`s unilateral tax credits for Singapore residents. A DBA clarifies the rules applicable to these and other similar situations in which double taxation may occur due to the inconsistency or ambiguity of the tax rules of the two countries. The DBA defines the taxation rights of each country and provides specific provisions for tax credits, facilities or exemptions, in order to avoid double taxation of income from economic activities between the two countries. Indeed, a DBA can go well beyond and in certain situations (for example: For example, if the two contracting countries wish to promote trade between them and provide tax saving credits), it can lead to a lower net tax than that imposed by both countries; The recent change of DBA between India and Singapore is a good example. An overview of the extensive bilateral tax treaty between Singapore and India to avoid double taxation of income. You will know more here. To understand how a DBA works, we must first learn what can lead to double taxation. Double taxation results from the fact that the tax rule can vary from country to country: DBA`S CONCLUDED BY SINGAPORE Singapore has an extensive network of DTAs or other similar tax treaties with most of the world`s major economies. But in an unlikely situation where your company`s foreign income doesn`t meet it, Singapore`s double taxation agreements or its one-sided tax credits ensure that you don`t pay taxes on that income. The prevention of double taxation treaties aims to eliminate this unfair penalty and to promote cross-border trade. . .
