A nod is a gesture by which the head is tilted in arcs of high and alternating descent along the sagittal plane. In many cultures, it is used most often, but not in general, to indicate conformity, acceptance or recognition. Different cultures attribute different meanings to the gesture. Acquiescence to display the "yes" vote is widespread and appears in many different cultural and linguistic groups. Areas where the acquiescence head is generally of this importance are the Indian subcontinent (note that the head bubble is also consistent), the Middle East, Southeast Asia, most of Europe (see below), South America and North America. The nod can also be used as a sign of recognition in some areas, or to show respect. An insult can be inferred if it is not returned in kind. She nodded to the waiter so he could bring the cake. The acquiescence head can also be used as a form of non-verbal greeting or recognition of the presence of another; In this context, it is essentially a particularly light form of inclination, with just enough exercise to show a degree of respect without additional formalities. These include a traditional downward acquiescence or a nod (rather informal and usually used between friends or subordinates). To increase formality, the nod down can also be accompanied by an appropriate verbal greeting.
In Greece, the only head sign down that indicates the "yes" is often combined with simultaneous eye closure. This nod often involves a very light, almost unnoticed, rotation from the head to the left (or to the right). 14th century, in the meaning defined in the intransitative meaning 1 There are different theories as to why the head head is so often used to indicate acceptance. A simple theory is that it is a form of reverence, suggesting that you are willing to accept what another person says or asks for. [Citation required] It has also been said[1] that babies, when they are hungry, look for milk by moving their heads vertically, but refuse milk by turning their heads side by side. English Language Learners Definition of nod (Entry 2 of 2) An early glimpse of nods and other gestures was the expression of emotions in Man and Animals, written by Charles Darwin in 1872. Darwin wrote to missionaries in many parts of the world asking for information about local gestures and concluded that the "yes" was common to many different groups. "They`re having fun," she says, nodding to the kids on the beach. In Greece and Cyprus in particular, the only sign of no is almost always associated with a simultaneous increase in eyebrows and, more often than not, a slight (or complete) eye curl.
There is also a sound that sometimes accompanies the whole gesture, called "A". This sound has a strong resemblance, but it is not identical to the sound of British Tutting. The use of "A" is optional and reserved only for the strong emphasis on the "no." The emphasis on raised eyebrows and eye coiling is so great that the real nod to the top is secondary at the end. A person can say "no" simply by raising an eyebrow and wrapping his eyes, the head remaining completely silent. These examples are automatically selected from different online message sources to reflect the common use of the word "Nod." The opinions expressed in the examples do not reflect the views of Merriam-Webster or its publishers. Send us comments. I was expecting an argument, but she just nodded and went out. The acquiescence head is also a symptom of nick disease, a disease still inexplicable. It mainly concerns children under the age of 15 and was first documented in Tanzania in 1962.
[3] There are several exceptions: in Greece, Cyprus, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria,[2] Albania and Sicily indicate a single nod upwards (not down) towards a "no". Some cultures also exchange meanings between head heads and heads.