The travel agency will offer the above services and accommodations to business and consumer customers as part of travel packages, in accordance with the terms of this travel agency contract. In return, the company agrees to pay the travel agency`s commissions on the basis of actual sales. The company offers tourist services and accommodations, including: I say "almost no difference" because court precedents have imposed slightly higher tariffs on tour operators, who are always required to choose their suppliers carefully. Although travel agencies have the same obligations to advise clients, they may not have such obligations if they do nothing but make arrangements already chosen by clients. In addition, the company undertakes to provide the travel agency with sales and marketing materials to promote the accommodations and services listed in this agreement. The company remains the rightful owner of all securities, rights and interests of the property and any material made available for the conclusion of this agreement. If the terms of this agreement are violated, the responding party has the option of terminating the contract. The travel agency undertakes to obtain and maintain appropriate insurance with [Company.Name] as "other insureds" for the duration of this contract. The company provides the Agency with a non-exclusive license to provide the company`s services and accommodations as part of vacation and travel packages. A: The definition of tour operator is a company that brings together two or more travel items that form a package, with or without a guide or guide, and sells the package directly or through travel agencies to individuals or groups.
Thus, your company will be a tour operator. In the United States, there is no difference in regulatory requirements for tour operators and travel agencies. Moreover, there is almost no difference between their legal obligations and their commitments. In the event that the company is aware of a violation of any of the provisions of this agreement, it is entitled to terminate the travel agency contract in its entirety. The travel agency will offer items listed in this agreement to businesses and consumers as part of travel packages. At the end of this agreement, the parties may agree to extend the period by one year from the completion date.